卯兔凌空辞旧岁,辰龙献瑞贺新年。2月10日大年初一晚上,作为2024年英国“欢乐春节”项目的重头戏之一, 爱丁堡中国新年音乐会在亚瑟厅 (Usher Hall) 盛大举行。爱丁堡爱乐乐团与各国艺术家们为数千名观众献上了一台精彩绝伦的音乐盛典。音乐会中西合璧,兼具创新,不仅推广了中国传统文化与艺术,表达了喜迎新年的美好愿望,也为中国与苏格兰源远流长的友谊增加了新的篇章。
As the Year of the Rabbit soars into the sky, and the Year of the Dragon brings auspicious blessings for the new year, on the evening of February 10th, the Edinburgh Chinese New Year Concert took center stage as a highlight of the 2024 UK “Happy Spring Festival” project. Held at the Usher Hall, the concert featured splendid performances by the Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra and artists from various countries. The concert seamlessly blended Eastern and Western elements, showcasing innovation, promoting Chinese traditional culture and art, and expressing joyful hopes for the new year. It also added a new chapter to the longstanding friendship between China and Scotland.
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